Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Because once said my Creative Head...

It's not the same all through. Advertising as a process is a devastated one. Devastated because, interference is the weapon that most advertisers resort to. Don't believe me? Think about it!

If you are an Art Director;
A layout is created, with the best designs and colours on the palette. The brief is adhered to and the copy placed. Now what? Is it parceled to the client as is? No...No...No. Never happens. You may have a copy guy/girl who'd pour in the best framed 'suggestion' (as it is called) because aesthetically they don't think it's appealing. Then you'd have the servicing personnel (bravo) whose comments complete the circle of life. Then may be the planning struts in with grace and presents a PPT to explain to you, why the layout needs to be something else. And the best part, if the Creative Head decides to have a look at your 'work of art', then maybe it's a 'Save As'.

Repeat a similar process with the right denotations for; if you are a Copywriter, if you are a Planner, if you are a Client Servicing executive, if you are the Xerox copy guy, and so on.
But let's pause for a second and reflect; are you that naive or pompous a person to suppose that you may not need suggestions from fellow colleagues? That your piece of work may not require alterations on some levels?

Let's try and keep an open mind, let's be a little receptive to opinions and comments thrown our way. Because, let's face it, suggestions and opinions never hurt anyone. May be it's time you open a gateway to the 'Benefit of Doubt'. Let's respect our fellow colleagues as we learn to respect their opinions; and not judge them by their 'Designations'.

P.S: And if you are dealing with an arrogant, scornful and bitch-face of a person; then may be all of this need not be considered! :)

As one of my Creative Heads once said, "All you need is some skills of People Management and confidence to approve your work and you are pretty good to go."

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