Monday, October 29, 2012

The challenge to retain the 'We' until eternity and to retain the 'Me' in its entirety.

The reason this post came alive; it was a realization, this morning that I won't be able to sleep until 12 in the afternoon ever again. Why? The 17th of December.


10 months of being hitched to a person, to whom you've sworn the rights of your celibacy to, you know, you definitely know that you can't take it anymore.

The husband need not take offence. None. Because,
(pay careful attention) it's the "being married" phenomenon and not the "whom you are married to". (I won't bother repeating if you've misconstrued this one)

Now, if you've got million-light-years of queries waiting to bounce my direction. Hold. Breathe. Relax. It's just the routine. The routine is a task.
Yes. Now you're going to advice me or give me some Einstein gyaan on how millions of women have made through it and it's going to be fine.
Thank you. I know I'll make it through. I bloody well will. I will sail through like Puss in Boots on a Pirates-of-the-Caribbean-boat, on a stormy n' wintry night. But guess what I need more than that.

As an individual, who by all fair means is 'clonically' (pardon the newest oxford diction; created from = clone) a tad-bit-different from the millions we've just mentioned, I would like my life to peddle in a
direction much smoother, much in control.

(Don not raise your perky eye-brows). We cook. We feed each other. We read books. We argue. We love our cliché jokes. We wash each other's clothes. We talk like babies. We have fun muddling gossip at each other. We have fun ogling at the opposite sex. We have fun on a dinner night, binging on prawns n' beer (preferably Carlsberg/Tuborg). We love family/cousins night-outs. We love friends around. (Mine are rarely around him) (Don't ask). We love the company we share with each other. I love that piece of self-obsessed masculine character in my life. 

But, yet again, I miss something. I miss the 'Me'. I miss the cold-warm-crazy-fun-abusive-short-boyish-singing-confused-yet funny-messy-lousy-loud - ME.
Yo! Now you know what I'm talking about!

(Now I'll get to the gyaan)
Being married brings along a task; a task to balance the 'We' and the 'Me' life. And I'm dearly sorry, it's not close to being a cake-walk. It's a challenge. A challenge to retain the 'We' until eternity and the challenge to retain the 'Me' in its entirety. (Now is when I found the title to this post)

 I'm not done here. Part 2 coming in shortly...

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